The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Why a trendy weight-loss supplement is not ‘nature’s Ozempic’

Berberine is a chemical found in several plants that has been extracted and sold as a supplement in powder or pill form

June 20, 2023 at 1:18 p.m. EDT
Dried Berberis vulgaris, also known as European barberry. (iStock)
7 min

Savannah Crosby had been gaining weight despite tracking her calories and hitting the gym. Looking for answers, the 34-year-old Texas resident fell down an internet rabbit hole that led her to berberine: a yellow, bitter-tasting chemical found in plants that some claim helps weight loss.

“After seeing how cheap berberine was, I figured I didn’t have anything to lose,” said Crosby, who has been chronicling her weight-loss journey on TikTok. More than two months later, Crosby said she has lost eight pounds.