Dr. Rothenberg is available for podcasts, lectures, book signings, and other events.
Please use the form on the Contact page to be in touch.
Below is a list of Dr. Rothenberg’s upcoming events.

Using Homeopathy During Conventional Cancer Care: How to Do it & Why it Matters
May 2 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 pm

There are many ways we support our oncology patients but some may interfere with effective care. With homeopathy we can safely support physical, emotional and cognitive challenges that cancer patients face. Alongside appropriate nutrition, supplements, and botanical medicine, and work on the head game, homeopathy shines as a gentle, effective and whole-person approach for our cancer patients, both during care, for those living with cancer and for survivors in our practices. Dr. Rothenberg will share from her years in practice as well as from her own experience as a cancer patient and thriver.