You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Talk at The Mill District General Store
Come here Dr Rothenberg speak on the topic of her book, bring your questions and get informed!
Please use the form on the Contact page to be in touch.
Below is a list of Dr. Rothenberg’s upcoming events.
Come here Dr Rothenberg speak on the topic of her book, bring your questions and get informed!
Dr. Amy Rothenberg, a long time licensed naturopathic doctor will share information from her broad experience as a provider and cancer survivor herself. She shares how to use natural and integrative medicine approaches to address challenges that persist from conventional cancer care and how to shift the internal environment to be less hospitable to further […]
Dr. Amy Rothenberg, a long time licensed naturopathic doctor, will share information from her broad experience as a provider and cancer survivor herself. She shares how to use natural and integrative medicine approaches to address challenges that persist from conventional cancer care and how to shift the internal environment to be less hospitable to further […]