Doctor. Teacher. Writer.
Your health is precious. Your ability to impact your health with lifestyle and natural medicine is enormous. So glad you’re here for timely compelling information, encouragement, and hopefully, inspiration.

“This book and all of Dr. Amy’s approaches create a treatment plan that dovetails and compliments conventional cancer care and most importantly encourages physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance vital for all of us on our healing journeys.”
Nancy Hofeuter O’Hara, MD, MPH
You Finished Treatment, Now What? is a roadmap for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Praise for You Finished Treatment, Now What?
Articles by Dr. Amy Rothenberg
Talk for the Northampton Cancer Connection
If you feel like taking me along on a walk or a car ride, here’s a link to a 90 minute talk I offered at the Cancer Connection on the topic of my book, You Finished Treatment, Now What? I prefer standing and walking around a bit when I teach, but for taping purposes,...
Filler, Spiller, Thriller
Dear Family and Friends, I hope this finds you deep in summer and enjoying all the ways summer has of giving us time, light, foods to nourish, and hopefully a bit of adventure thrown in here or there. It’s been almost 6 months since I last wrote and I am feeling 100%....
Cookies and Milk. A Lactation Supporting Treat
Our daughter Sophia and husband Alex blessed our family with a beautiful daughter this summer. We are all over the moon. One of the ways we lend our love and support is through preparing and sharing favorite foods and packing their freezer with easy to prep meals. But...

Doctor, Teacher, Writer, and Advocate for Healthy Living
When diagnosed with cancer in 2014, Dr. Rothenberg sought and received state-of-the-art care at a renowned teaching hospital and had her own naturopathic medical team to help her best handle treatment, and rebound afterward. Her book, You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors is a roadmap for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and to reduce the risk of recurrence.
An earlier book, The A Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice & Other Stories from Natural Medicine highlights patient experiences as a way to share information and inspiration about her beloved profession.
Her writing is evidence-informed, while also bringing her personal experience as a doctor, patient, wife, mother, sister, and friend. Offering a natural, integrative medicine perspective on items in the news, find Dr. Rothenberg’s writing on the Huff Po, Medium, Thrive Global, Elephant Journal and more.
Dr. Rothenberg is an invited speaker to many events for medical providers, the general public, and industry on the value of whole person, natural and integrative medicine where she brings her lively and engaging presentation style along with useful information. If you’d like to invite Dr.Rothenberg to speak with your group, see the Contact page.
Dr. Rothenberg has practiced naturopathic medicine since 1986. With a degree in biology from Antioch College, she was thrilled to find the nascent naturopathic medicine profession in the early 80s, where scientific rigor was joined with gentle, natural medicine education. Dr. Rothenberg is the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 2017 Physician of the Year and spearheaded the successful effort to license naturopathic doctors in Massachusetts.
Dr. Rothenberg has worked with her longtime collaborator and husband, Paul Herscu ND, MPH since 1986. They have three wonderful adult children and enjoy the good life in Western Massachusetts.