I had the thrill of walking into a café and seeing a person reading my book! I introduced myself and we had a little chat. She was simultaneously  listening to the book on Audible. I am a sometimes, talking-too-fast New Yorker so was pleased when she said how calm I sounded! Made me want to share a chapter. Here’s Chapter 8 on Botanica Medicine from You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors. Enjoy!  #cancer #survivor #cancersurvivor #breastcancer #prostatecancer #lungcancer #skincancer, #cancerwarrior #cancersucks #beatcancer #cancerwarrior

#cancersupport #cancersupportcommunity #integratedoncology#melanoma #colorectalcancer#integrativemedicine #integrativenutrition #integrativehealth #FABNO#naturopathic #YouFinishedTreatmentNowWhat? #healthcareaccess #WorldCancerDay #CloseTheCareGap #botmed