Cancer Pod Podcast

Cancer Pod Podcast

If you’re lucky in life, once in a while you meet a person who rocks your world. Tina Kaczor ND, co-host of the Cancer Pod, is a friend like that. I used to admire her from afar, and then she was on my team of NDs who helped when I was sick. She helped me think a lot...

Podcast on Sound Health Radio

Podcast on Sound Health Radio

Listen here for a replay of a fun podcast with Richard O, TalkToMeGuy on Sound Health Radio. I speak about the Therapeutic Order in Naturopathic Medicine, my own healing journey, as well as my upcoming book, You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer...

Your Microbiome is Your Best Friend

Your Microbiome is Your Best Friend

When I have the chance to listen to a full orchestra, I appreciate the fact that there are so many musicians playing different instruments, bringing out particular notes at the right tempo, with precise rhythm and intensity, each doing their part to create a full,...

Five to Thrive Radio Live  Podcast

Five to Thrive Radio Live Podcast

This show was about surviving cancer. I covered how to talk with your oncologist, the most important ways to reduce cancer risk, and how to empower yourself in the face of cancer. Take a listen! You can start at 2:28 mark for Dr. Alschuler's introduction.