Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this finds you deep in summer and enjoying all the ways summer has of giving us time, light, foods to nourish, and hopefully a bit of adventure thrown in here or there. It’s been almost 6 months since I last wrote and I am feeling 100%. Labs look pristine, am back to all my favorite activities like swimming, ballroom dance, bike riding etc. I continue to feel grateful to my many providers and my widest circle of loving people!

Surrounded here by our gardens and fruit trees and planters, I am leaning into the planter-gardening-concept of creating pots and window boxes with a filler, a spiller and a thriller. Feels like a perfect metaphor for life at this moment.

The filler is all the regular good stuff: cooking healthy food, dipping a toe into my work life (seeing patients, teaching, writing,) playing music, puttering in my art room, joining the irresistible wave of support for Kamala, and more.

The spiller is the social part, with enough vitality and pep to cover my basics, I have lots of energy for friends and family, cooking for people, caring for others, which is my happy place and let’s face it: my lifelong nature.

The thriller, not gonna  lie— is the new grandbaby, Azalea born 7/5/24. Kudos to Sophia & Alex on all the wonderful ways they are blossoming as devoted and loving parents. And for giving Paul & I the delicious chance to be around a little one, breath in her sweetness and appreciate her little expressions and clear presence, which we are enjoying every minute of. Other thrillers include swimming long lengths of backstroke under the clear blue sky, or stretching my body and mind with outdoor yoga at Andrew’s Greenhouse right around the block. Right back to garden concepts, my ongoing addiction to picking and making bouquets of flowers, we’re at the summer highpoint of variety and freshness.  I never tire of the color, the variety, the shapes, the beauty in vases gracing our tables and nightstands. How fortunate we are to live in a peaceful, beautiful valley with so much cool stuff to see, to do, to take part in.

Many of you are reaching out to me these months, worried you’d not heard from me—though I DID  say in March I felt I had completed  Field Notes from Fifty-Five Fruit Street, as it was time to move on along! So here I am, just saying a summertime hello and to let you know, I couldn’t be happier and healthier as I count every day a blessing.

May all our lives have Filler, Spiller, and Thriller components, in whatever proportion feels right on any given day.

Hope our paths cross soon!

With love & light from Middle Street,


#FillersThrillersSpillers #summertime #thriver #leukemia #grandmother #naturopathic #ILoveSummer